Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the Car History Check Report

How long does it take to get my Car History Check results and how will I receive them?

The report is delivered on screen to you immediately after you purchase it. You will also get an email. You should save this email for future reference as you will require the reference number to update your check.

Will I receive a copy of my Car History Check in the post?

No, we do not send out any information in the post. The report is delivered on screen to you immediately after you purchase it. You will also get an email. You should save this email for future reference as you will require the reference number to update your check.

What do I do if I have difficulty in obtaining my Car History Check results?

First, please verify that personal details you entered are correct and that your credit card information is valid. If there is a problem with your browser and the results page is not displayed, please wait a few minutes for the results and email to arrive.

If there is still a problem, please contact us. We are available to assist you Monday to Friday from 8:00am - 6:00pm, Saturday 8:00am - 5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am - 5:00pm GMT / BST. You will receive an email the same day acknowledging your enquiry, or the next day if you sent your enquiry after 3.00 pm. Depending on the nature of your enquiry, providing a resolution may take a little longer.

What type of information does the Car History Check provide?

Your Car History Check will confirm the following details:

1. Vehicle Description - Using the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) your Car History Check will confirm the vehicle description registered with the DVLA. This will include the year of manufacture and date of first registration in the UK. In addition you will be advised of the number of previous keepers registered and the date of last keeper change.

2. Vehicle Title - Using the Vehicle Registration Mark (VRM) your Car History Check will identify whether this vehicle is subject to:

  • Outstanding finance
  • A current police interest
  • Has been registered as an insurance write-off or been subject to a VIC test

Where the vehicle has undergone one or more registration plate changes, you will be advised of each previous registration plate and the date it was applied to the vehicle. Each previous plate will be checked for any current title interests as described above.

What type of information does the Car History Check NOT provide?

Your Car History Check does not provide the names of or information pertaining to a vehicle's previous or current owner(s).

Your Car History Check will not provide information on every accident a vehicle has been in. Accident damage is only identified where an insurance company has registered the vehicle as a write-off.

Your Car History Check will not provide any details on the service history of a vehicle. Your Car History Check will not assess the mechanical of a vehicle. If you would like to have an independent inspection of a vehicle, you will need to contact organisations such as the AA and book a Vehicle Inspection.

Your Car History Check will not provide any details if the vehicle has been stolen and recovered unless there are outstanding interests or the vehicle was subject to being written off as a total loss by the insurer.

Where does the Car History Check information come from?

Information provided in your Car History Check comes from a variety of data sources. These include: the DVLA, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (SMMT), the Police, The Association of British Insurers, and numerous finance companies.

What should I do if an interest is recorded?

Where an interest is recorded you will be advised as to the type of interest as well as an explanation as to what the interest means. If you are unsure what to do next please contact the seller and seek an explanation. If you are still unsure about the vehicle purchase, do not go ahead with the transaction.

What does "not recorded" indicate?

"Not recorded" indicates that your Car History Check found no information registered in that category at that particular point in time. This could mean that we have not yet received that data or it could be mean there are no current interests recorded.

Can I get a report for a non-UK registered vehicle?

No, since the Car History Check only reports on vehicles registered with the DVLA and DVA.